Monday, December 9, 2013

Pam's day of fun in the city pt 2

When i emerged from the theater, much to my delight/annoyance it was snowing a bit. Not letting a few flakes stop me, it was off to Central Park. Being that it was the 33rd anniversary of John Lennon's death, I was headed to Strawberry Fields. I had been in the past, either on his death anniversary or in October for his birthday, but it had been awhile. I took a round about way so that I could walk past The Dakota (the scene of the crime). I had only ever seen it from afar so to see it up close made it real. I stood for a few seconds, the snow picking up a bit more, and reflected on John and his music and message. As I walked across the street and closer to the park, the sound of guitars, and tambourines, and singing began to fill the air. My heart began to race, the excitement building as I entered the park and saw the crowd. I tried to get as close as I could to catch a glimpse of the famous Imagine mosaic, but unfortunately there were just too many people. I asked a taller gentlemen standing in front of me if he would mind just snapping a picture for me of the shrine. He obliged and I had a new friend.  I stood with my new friend and we sang. We celebrated Mr. Lennon and honored his works by belting out his songs like "Revolution", "In My Life", and "Give Peace a Chance". By this time it was downright snowing hard. This only added to everything, making it a truly magical experience. 

After I tore myself away from the memorial, I continued my trek. Now off to the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. The fat kid inside of me was looking for food so when I saw this food truck I couldn't resist. 
I got the #1 with Nutella. I freaking love Nutella. I ate while I strolled. Snow covered my delicious crepe but it didn't stop me from devouring it. With Nutella all over my face, I arrived at the tree. Holy crap load of people there! Crying children, screechy mothers, and snappy fathers occupied the "joyful" space. I tried to appreciate the scene: ginormous tree, twinkling lights, bright colors, and come on it was snowing for cryin out loud! But ultimately I left shortly after annoyed and cold. 

At this point I was ready to head back to Penn so I walked. Keeping my eyes everywhere but in front of me, I bumped into a person and looked up. There was Heartland Brewery. Oh hell yeah. I go in and tell them table for one. Lemme fill you in on something awesome I realized. When you are dining alone, people think you are important. I received so much attention from the staff that I had to laugh. Here they probably thought I was a critic or food blogger and in actuality I was just an alcoholic with an appetite. 
For the record, everything was amazing. I had the seasonal flight and fried calamari.  With a definite buzz, I dragged my body to the train. After missing my connecting train in Newark (not my fault, I swear!) I made it home. 

What a great day. 

Pam's day of fun in the city pt 1.

My first foray into the city this Oscar season started with a train ride.
I sat, watching the sites go by. I saw old, dilapidated buildings, likely abandoned for years. Overgrown weeds mixed with graffiti and trash added color to the dreary walls and grounds. There was something strangely beautiful about these "ruins". After a relaxing jaunt, I arrived in Newark. What usually amounts to a short trip over to NY Penn became a half hour long wait in a stuffy, crowded train. There were single track delays and we were stuck for awhile. The conductor sounded just as bummed as we were so I couldn't even be mad. I had the pleasure of sitting next to Valerie (?), a spunky, ball of energy that thought I was funny and said she'd read my blog. (Hey girl!) Finally we were a go. I made it into the city and was on my way to the first stop: Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, for my double feature of Blue is the Warmest Color and Tim's Vermeer.

When it comes to movies, I really have a hard time critiquing, often times only saying "I liked it" or "meh, it was ok" or "I didn't like that at all" So I won't even pretend to critique these movies. Ill simply say I liked both. 

End of pt 1. 

The calm before the storm

People told me that I go to such lengths to see films during Oscar season that I ought to blog about it. Well, here we are roughly 7 months later and it's time. 

Stay tuned for my stories. Because of my love for travel, I have decided write about not only the movie, but the experience as well. Quite literally, my journey to get to the movies. 

You can follow my journey here or with #independentpam


Saturday, October 5, 2013

A work in progress

As I quickly approach 30 1/4, I have been reflecting on my life thus far. Basically what I've come up with is it's time to make some life changes. I have spent far too much time worrying about what makes others happy. Moreover, I haven't been motivated to step out of my comfort zone, to make the adjustments necessary to ensure my happiness. Since this blog has been mostly lists (with occasional rant here and there) I find it fitting for me to list, for you the reader, the ways in which I will attempt to carry out my transformation endeavor. A "Pamsformation" if you will.

• I will no longer engage In communications with people who are "bad for me." This one I have started already and it feels great.

•I will no longer put myself into situations where I'm going to end up feeling bad about myself in the end. This goes hand in hand with the next bullet. 

•I will think about possible outcomes for every situation and choose the one that ultimately will make me happy as opposed to the one that makes me happy for the next 5-10 minutes. 

• I'm not going to let opportunity pass me by because I'm too scared or too comfortable. #justtryok

•I'm going to do one thing everyday that scares me. Ok, realistically this is probably more like one thing every week that scares me. But it's still good. "The key to change is to let go of fear."

I leave you, friends, with this final question: 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Romancing the Pumpkin

So I was all set to write this amazing blog about how pumpkin solids are way better than pumpkin liquid things. I explored various pumpkin beers and pumpkin coffees.
I dabbled in pumpkin cookies and breads and cakes. I even ate pumpkin right from the can!

I thought I had this nailed down. There was no exceptions. Signed, sealed, delivered. The verdict was in.  And then it happened.  PSL. 
*Sigh* Pumpkin Spice Latte. It was delicious. Add soy milk and whipped cream, it was like a dream come true in my mouth. 

Now what to do? Everything I thought was true was a farce. My pumpkin world was crashing down on me. Gone were the days of pumpkin black and white. Now there were gray areas. I don't do well with gray. Especially not pumpkin gray! 
What makes me the most mad about this though is not that it has changed how I felt about pumpkin liquids, but that it's from flippin Starbucks! (See previous pamsnickety for my feelings on that place)
I don't know what the rest of my pumpkin life will bring, but I do know that for now, I'm gonna love the shit out of that pumpkin spice latte. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Random slop

Random thoughts from a boring day at work: 
- I love 10 dollar bills. They make me happy. 
-Pigs are fun!

- Old people are crazy. I feel like the "seniors" just latch onto any movie and go with it. What the hell is Closed Circuit anyway???? 

-No one thinks I'm funny. I cracked so many jokes today and most of them went unnoticed. 

Not random from today but a gem from yesterday... 

"You know what happens when you assume... You make an ass out of you and me" (girls 1 & 2) "I don't know. I don't date" (girl 3) 

And now for the only reason people read my blog...

Movies we don't have: 
- The Help (the butler)
- Bones (mortal instruments)
- Panic (Closed Circuit)
- Emergency (Elysium)
- El Siam (Elysium)
- Elasticum (Elysium)
- Paranormal (Paranoia)
- Bachelor --- (the butler)
- Circuit Breakers 
- Short Circuit 
- Close Circus
- Meet the Millers 
- Gateway 
- Blue Dolphin

And my fave
-  The Immortalists. The response after being corrected "ooooh they're Mortal!!"

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday comics

Wowzers! It's been awhile, friends.
Today I had a bunch of comedians for customers, so I felt the need to share these gems with you.

An older gentleman comes up and asks for a few tickets to a movie. He comments that it's an old person movie and says "I don't like seeing movies with a bunch of old people." Adorable. 

Next a couple comes up and says "we're the millers." She continues saying, "Well actually, we're the Tracy's but we'd like to see The Millers". Comedians I tell ya. 

Finally an older woman comes up and says "2 seniors" When I asked her what movie she wanted to see, her response was priceless and caught me off guard. "Well! Aren't you a nosy one!" Brilliant.

Movies we don't have: 
-Blue Cashmere
-Blue Dahlia
-Blue Sapphire

Saturday, July 13, 2013

One pump or two

While taking a class, I had the pleasure of visiting a Starbucks a few times a week. Here are my feelings: 

1. I'm not impressed. After trying A LOT of the items on the menu, I was left unsatisfied and full of meh and Bleh. 
This included food products too. 

This was by far the worst thing I had. Legit couldn't eat it. And I eat everything! 

2. I do not,for the life of me, understand how to order things and I don't understand "the code" 

 Seriously, I don't even know if this was mine. But I took it. I wish I didn't. 

3. This was like drinking vomit. Yes, I DO know what that tastes like. 

4. "one pump or two?" I said 1. They told me "we usually do 3". Well then give me  three. Don't change what u you usual do because I'm here!

5. This wasn't bad. 

In conclusion, fuck Starbucks. I'm running on dunkin. 

Stop fingering your coffee

Movies we don't have: 
-World of Zombies
-War Zone
-World War Zone 
-Zombie the Z World
-Black Hawk Down
-Washington Down 
-The Channing Tatum
-House Party
-The One with the White House 
-See me if you can
-Catch me if you can
-The Seat 
-Miserable Me
-Incredible Me 
-Despite Me
-Disposable Me
-The Despicable's
-Specific Rim
-The Rim
-The Movie with the End
-Adults 2
-The Color Red
-The Coloring
-Taking the Heat
-The Washington Monument
-Rest in Peace Police
-The Conjurist
-The Conjoining
And my favorites: 

The Baby Movie (????)
Metacable (despicable me 2)


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who is your Daddy and what does he do?

I was always a Daddy's girl. 

Quick to take his side, go places with him, create countless inside jokes that drove my mom crazy. As I went through college and a little after, I felt a distance, like a "we have nothing in common" type thing. My brothers all had sports, electronics crap, ya know man things. I was left out. As we got older, we found our own things again:
Courtroom drama 


Stupid bachelorette drama 

(I'm noticing a theme here...) 

And now traveling.

A few days ago Frankly tells me he's hitting the open road to catch some ball games. He' ll be gone a few days, and he's going alone. After the shock subsided, I decided that I was so proud of him. It's scary getting out there alone and visiting the unknown. It's lonely and exciting at the same time. I don't know if I got my independence from him, (#independentpam2012, anyone?)  or if maybe I'm rubbing off on him and he's realizing that it's never too late to get out there and do the things that YOU want to do. 

I figured I'd add one more pic because come on, I was an adorable child. 

You're welcome :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The red, white, and the blue

Things I learned this 4th of July:

~ Bolo tie is still funny
~You can never ask who Megan Longo is too many times
~I will probably not win an Oscar 
~ Boogers are better than rabbits 
~ An entrance works as an exit

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Another day in paradise

A friendly reminder: if you put up 1 finger but say 2, I'm going to ask you to repeat how many. Please don't sigh or roll your eyes. And please don't put up 1 finger again while you repeat "2" with an attitude.  

Shout out: Dear old man seeing Monsters University with your grand kids, nice job. When you did your best roaring, monster impersonation out in the parking lot not only did you scare your g-kids but you scared the bejeezus out of me. I salute you. 

And now for my favorite part...

Movies we don't have: 

In the End
Midnight Express
Planet Z
The Magician
This is how it ends
World War A 

And the award for best title of the week goes to... Drum roll please... 

"the one with the people walking" 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

An ode to you, the customer

Some friendly reminders:
  • Pick a movie before you come to the theater. There are phone numbers you can call, websites to check and apps to download. Many ways to "know before you go" Save yourself from standing there with a big dumb look on your face as you scan the movie board. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • Get the title right. You checked it before you came, right? Just remember it and say that title.
  • I'm not a mind reader. If you're standing alone, don't expect me to know that your brother and his two kids are joining you.
  • Also, tell me if you're a senior. I'm not going to assume you're old as dirt unless you tell me you are old as dirt.
  • Take your tickets when they're given to you. I don't want them. Plus you need them to get in.
  • Finally, don't be a dick. This is really a good life rule too.

My favorite part of the day... Movies we don't have!
  • You can't see me now
  • The Illusion
  • Safe Earth
  • Now that you see me
  • Now you've seen it
  • You can see
  • See me now
  • Ironhead

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Every night I play a few games of Bingo to relax me before I settle in. Now, anyone who has actually played bingo with me knows that this is the opposite of what happens to me when I play. I get riled up and flustered pretty easily. My face gets red. My heart races. Anxiety sets in as I wait for my numbers to be called. 
So why then does playing before bed calm me down? 
Looking back at my childhood, I have countless memories that pertain to bingo. Whether it was family game night, where we played for nickels and quarters and took turns cranking the wheel, or it was going to watch my mom play bingo at local churches, bingo played an important part in my life. Danny's nickname is even B3! That's mostly because it annoyed him and me being the great big sister that I am couldn't resist the chance to annoy. 
So I guess it makes sense that happy memories from days of yonder would have a peaceful, calming affect on me. 

I still get pretty pissed though when I don't win. 

Monday, June 3, 2013


Due to a combination of watching Inside the Actors Studio and some events that occurred today, I got to thinking about my favorite curse words. 

Here they are in no particular order:

  • Prick (This is my FAVE.)
  • Dick
  • Dickhead
  • Shit
  • A-hole (is it still a curse if I don't really say ass?)
  • Tit (Did you say tit?)

I thought this seemed fitting too to add :

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Where's the bottom?

Here are the movies we are NOT playing at the theater: 

-Before Earth
-Now I can see you/it
-Now see this
-Now you still see me
-You see me now

And now for the quote of the night... 
When asked to sign the bottom of the receipt, the spot where the X is, "where's the bottom?"

The Ville. Nuff said. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Here's Johnny!

I've been watching a lot of classic movies lately and here are my thoughts in no particular order:

  • Jack Nicholson was one hot piece of ass. Being that hes a creep and half now (womanizer and whatnot) and for as long as i can remember him, i was shocked to see him ooze sex appeal. I totally get why women flock to him even now at his age. I'd wanna bang him too!
  • Um...I like movies.
  • OK, so this is basically just going to be about Jack. He was already friends with Roman Polanski before 'Chinatown' so he was around during the Manson family killings. He was even in the courtroom during parts of the trial too! Swoon!
  • Hes shirtless plenty in 'Chinatown' and I don't mind, not one bit.
  • He reminds me of my fave Leo D. and they did 'The Departed' together.
  • AND hes from New Jersey!
I think I'm going to start trying to watch all of his films. A Jack (off) marathon :)

What's your favorite Jack Nicholson movie? Respond in the comments!

Friday, May 31, 2013

First is the worst

So its my first blog. Not too sure what to do with this but I thought maybe it seemed like a good idea. I'm not sure how often Ill write in this and I don't know if anyone would care about what I have to say either but then again maybe some will. Hey you're reading this! My grammar is awful and I don't know big words. My thoughts are all over the place and I don't think before I speak at times. I've got a mouth on me and I'm not afraid to use it! So watch out! You'll probably be OK though, I don't like to hurt peoples feelings. Usually I think I'm funny and sometimes even others think I'm funny. Basically this blog will be hit or miss, so good luck you you.