Saturday, October 5, 2013

A work in progress

As I quickly approach 30 1/4, I have been reflecting on my life thus far. Basically what I've come up with is it's time to make some life changes. I have spent far too much time worrying about what makes others happy. Moreover, I haven't been motivated to step out of my comfort zone, to make the adjustments necessary to ensure my happiness. Since this blog has been mostly lists (with occasional rant here and there) I find it fitting for me to list, for you the reader, the ways in which I will attempt to carry out my transformation endeavor. A "Pamsformation" if you will.

• I will no longer engage In communications with people who are "bad for me." This one I have started already and it feels great.

•I will no longer put myself into situations where I'm going to end up feeling bad about myself in the end. This goes hand in hand with the next bullet. 

•I will think about possible outcomes for every situation and choose the one that ultimately will make me happy as opposed to the one that makes me happy for the next 5-10 minutes. 

• I'm not going to let opportunity pass me by because I'm too scared or too comfortable. #justtryok

•I'm going to do one thing everyday that scares me. Ok, realistically this is probably more like one thing every week that scares me. But it's still good. "The key to change is to let go of fear."

I leave you, friends, with this final question: