Saturday, September 21, 2013

Romancing the Pumpkin

So I was all set to write this amazing blog about how pumpkin solids are way better than pumpkin liquid things. I explored various pumpkin beers and pumpkin coffees.
I dabbled in pumpkin cookies and breads and cakes. I even ate pumpkin right from the can!

I thought I had this nailed down. There was no exceptions. Signed, sealed, delivered. The verdict was in.  And then it happened.  PSL. 
*Sigh* Pumpkin Spice Latte. It was delicious. Add soy milk and whipped cream, it was like a dream come true in my mouth. 

Now what to do? Everything I thought was true was a farce. My pumpkin world was crashing down on me. Gone were the days of pumpkin black and white. Now there were gray areas. I don't do well with gray. Especially not pumpkin gray! 
What makes me the most mad about this though is not that it has changed how I felt about pumpkin liquids, but that it's from flippin Starbucks! (See previous pamsnickety for my feelings on that place)
I don't know what the rest of my pumpkin life will bring, but I do know that for now, I'm gonna love the shit out of that pumpkin spice latte. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Random slop

Random thoughts from a boring day at work: 
- I love 10 dollar bills. They make me happy. 
-Pigs are fun!

- Old people are crazy. I feel like the "seniors" just latch onto any movie and go with it. What the hell is Closed Circuit anyway???? 

-No one thinks I'm funny. I cracked so many jokes today and most of them went unnoticed. 

Not random from today but a gem from yesterday... 

"You know what happens when you assume... You make an ass out of you and me" (girls 1 & 2) "I don't know. I don't date" (girl 3) 

And now for the only reason people read my blog...

Movies we don't have: 
- The Help (the butler)
- Bones (mortal instruments)
- Panic (Closed Circuit)
- Emergency (Elysium)
- El Siam (Elysium)
- Elasticum (Elysium)
- Paranormal (Paranoia)
- Bachelor --- (the butler)
- Circuit Breakers 
- Short Circuit 
- Close Circus
- Meet the Millers 
- Gateway 
- Blue Dolphin

And my fave
-  The Immortalists. The response after being corrected "ooooh they're Mortal!!"