Saturday, July 13, 2013

One pump or two

While taking a class, I had the pleasure of visiting a Starbucks a few times a week. Here are my feelings: 

1. I'm not impressed. After trying A LOT of the items on the menu, I was left unsatisfied and full of meh and Bleh. 
This included food products too. 

This was by far the worst thing I had. Legit couldn't eat it. And I eat everything! 

2. I do not,for the life of me, understand how to order things and I don't understand "the code" 

 Seriously, I don't even know if this was mine. But I took it. I wish I didn't. 

3. This was like drinking vomit. Yes, I DO know what that tastes like. 

4. "one pump or two?" I said 1. They told me "we usually do 3". Well then give me  three. Don't change what u you usual do because I'm here!

5. This wasn't bad. 

In conclusion, fuck Starbucks. I'm running on dunkin. 

Stop fingering your coffee

Movies we don't have: 
-World of Zombies
-War Zone
-World War Zone 
-Zombie the Z World
-Black Hawk Down
-Washington Down 
-The Channing Tatum
-House Party
-The One with the White House 
-See me if you can
-Catch me if you can
-The Seat 
-Miserable Me
-Incredible Me 
-Despite Me
-Disposable Me
-The Despicable's
-Specific Rim
-The Rim
-The Movie with the End
-Adults 2
-The Color Red
-The Coloring
-Taking the Heat
-The Washington Monument
-Rest in Peace Police
-The Conjurist
-The Conjoining
And my favorites: 

The Baby Movie (????)
Metacable (despicable me 2)


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who is your Daddy and what does he do?

I was always a Daddy's girl. 

Quick to take his side, go places with him, create countless inside jokes that drove my mom crazy. As I went through college and a little after, I felt a distance, like a "we have nothing in common" type thing. My brothers all had sports, electronics crap, ya know man things. I was left out. As we got older, we found our own things again:
Courtroom drama 


Stupid bachelorette drama 

(I'm noticing a theme here...) 

And now traveling.

A few days ago Frankly tells me he's hitting the open road to catch some ball games. He' ll be gone a few days, and he's going alone. After the shock subsided, I decided that I was so proud of him. It's scary getting out there alone and visiting the unknown. It's lonely and exciting at the same time. I don't know if I got my independence from him, (#independentpam2012, anyone?)  or if maybe I'm rubbing off on him and he's realizing that it's never too late to get out there and do the things that YOU want to do. 

I figured I'd add one more pic because come on, I was an adorable child. 

You're welcome :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The red, white, and the blue

Things I learned this 4th of July:

~ Bolo tie is still funny
~You can never ask who Megan Longo is too many times
~I will probably not win an Oscar 
~ Boogers are better than rabbits 
~ An entrance works as an exit

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!!!